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Novas gera??es no mercado de trabalho: expectativas renovadas ou antigos ideais?
Cavazotte, Flávia de Souza Costa Neves;Lemos, Ana Heloisa da Costa;Viana, Mila Desouzart de Aquino;
Cadernos EBAPE.BR , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-39512012000100011
Abstract: amid the changes in careers and labor relations in today′s workplace, (balassiano and costa, 2006; dutra, 2010), a new generation of professionals is entering the job market. this generation has been characterized by the non-academic literature as significantly different from its predecessors (alsop, 2008; munro, 2009). however, scientific studies have also suggested that such differences could be much less pronounced (cennamo and gardner, 2008; wong, gardiner, lang et al., 2008). the changing nature of careers and the entrance of this new generation into the job market have motivated this study, which aims to examine the expectations of young workers regarding the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards they wish to attain in the workplace through interviews with undergraduate students enrolled in management programs offered by private universities in rio de janeiro. as they addressed an open question regarding what they wished to find in the organizations, young adults ranging from 20 to 28 years old revealed their dreams and concerns. the analysis of the reports suggests that there is more in common between members of generation y and its predecessors than the non-academic literature would have us believe. the observations of this study support the notion that young employees may establish psychological contracts that favor pleasure, freedom and social involvement. on the other hand, new and conventional expectations seem to coexist, since such contemporary concerns come together with aspirations longed for by previous generations, reinforcing the perception that there are work-related expectations that remain, in spite of objective changes in the productive sphere.
Educa??o, empregabilidade e mobilidade social: convergências e divergências
Lemos, Ana Heloisa da Costa;Dubeux, Veranise Jacubowski Correia;Pinto, Mario Couto Soares;
Cadernos EBAPE.BR , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-39512009000200012
Abstract: professional qualification has been considered one of the most important competitive advantages for those people that want to get on the labour market, after finishing an undergraduate course. based on the typical assumptions of human capital theory, the investments in education are usually perceived as strategic to push up one's social position and also to support society's economic growth. however, bourdieu's study about social mobility (bourdieu, 1980) in french society in the 1970's brought some questioning about the direct relationship between the required skills in an undergraduate program with the capability to keep one's jobs. as mentioned by the author, the higher the economical and cultural status one social class has, the better opportunities will be made available in the labour market in the future. in other words, those at the bottom of the social pyramid have a tougher situation in finding better opportunities. this research's goal is to verify such a hypothesis, by means of a survey with 98 students that are concluding or have just concluded a business undergraduate program in a well known university in rio de janeiro, brazil. as a result, it was possible to determine a relationship between the social and economical background of those interviewed and their professional career, putting together the cultural and economical background of their family as well as the jobs they had in the companies that hired them.
Empregabilidade e sociedade disciplinar: uma análise do discurso do trabalho contemporaneo à luz de categorias foucaultianas
Lemos, Ana Heloisa da Costa;Rodriguez, Daniel Arbaiza;Monteiro, Vinicius de Carvalho;
Organiza??es & Sociedade , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1984-92302011000400002
Abstract: the contemporary debate about the incorporation of the professionals in the labor market is being based on a new way of seeing the attitudes of individuals in relation to work, that of employability.. although present discussions about the conditions of workers entering the labor market are based in this construct, employability is a controversial and unclear term, and it used in varying ways by the participants in the debate about the behaviors that are required of workers vis-à-vis the changing labor market. this controversial and unfinished discourse about the employability is the motive for this work which aims to critically examine this theoretical construction. the analysis is based on concepts presented by foucault in some of his classic texts, especially in discipline and punishment, leading the authors to a critical reflection that addresses the underlying dimensions of employability as something that perpetuates submission of workers to the dynamics of the productive system rather than guarantees individual autonomy.
Empregabilidade e Sociedade Disciplinar: uma análise do discurso do trabalho contemporaneo à luz de categorias foucaultianas [Employability and Society: an analysis of the discourse of contemporary work in light of Foucault’s catagories]
Ana Heloisa da Costa Lemos,Daniel Arbaiza Rodriguez,Vinicius de Carvalho Monteiro
Organiza??es & Sociedade , 2011,
Abstract: ResumoO debate contemporaneo acerca das condi es de incorpora o dos profissionais ao mercado de trabalho vem sendo pautado por uma nova forma de conceber as atitudes dos indivíduos com rela o ao trabalho, a qual tem no termo empregabilidade sua melhor tradu o. Apesar de orientar as discuss es atuais sobre as condi es de inser o dos trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho, o termo empregabilidade é controverso e impreciso quanto ao seu sentido, sendo valorizado de forma desigual pelos participantes do debate acerca das disposi es comportamentais que s o exigidas aos trabalhadores, vis-à-vis as transforma es no mundo da produ o. Esse caráter controverso e inacabado do discurso acerca da empregabilidade motivou a elabora o deste trabalho, que tem como objetivo central analisar, criticamente, o referido discurso. A análise apresentada baseou-se em conceitos apresentados por Foucault em alguns de seus textos clássicos, sobretudo em Vigiar e Punir, conduzindo os autores a uma reflex o crítica que aborda as dimens es subjacentes à categoria empregabilidade menos como garantidoras de autonomia individual e mais como perpetuadoras da submiss o dos trabalhadores à dinamica do sistema produtivo. ---- Employability and Society: an analysis of the discourse of contemporary work in light of Foucault’s catagories ---- Abstract ---- The contemporary debate about the incorporation of the professionals in the labor market is being based on a new way of seeing the attitudes of individuals in relation to work, that of employability. Although present discussions about the conditions of workers entering the labor market are based in this construct, employability is a controversial and unclear term, and it used in varying ways by the participants in the debate about the behaviors that are required of workers vis-à-vis the changing labor market. This controversial and unfi nished discourse about the employability is the motive for this work which aims to critically examine this theoretical construction. The analysis is based on concepts presented by Foucault in some of his classic texts, especially in Discipline and Punishment, leading the authors to a critical reflection that addresses the underlying dimensions of employability as something that perpetuates submission of workers to the dynamics of the productive system rather than guarantees individual autonomy.
Isoenzyme profile as parameter to differentiate pathogenic strains of Entamoeba histolytica in Brazil
Martinez, Ana Maria Barral de;Gomes, Maria Aparecida;Viana, Jo?o da Costa;Romanha, Alvaro José;Silva, Edward Felix;
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de S?o Paulo , 1996, DOI: 10.1590/S0036-46651996000600004
Abstract: the isoenzyme profiles (ip) of 33 strains of entamoeba histolytica isolated from patients and carriers of two regions in brazil (amazonia and southeast) were determined. the enzymes phosphoglucomutase, glucose-phosphate isomerase, hexokinase and malic enzyme were considered. ip of the strains was correlated with culture conditions, time of maintenance in laboratory and clinical history of patients. the strains were maintained under polyxenic, monoxenic and axenic culture conditions: 27 polyxenic, 1 polyxenic and monoxenic, 1 polyxenic, monoxenic and axenic and 4 axenic only. the patients were symptomatic and asymptomatic. the symptomatic patients presented either non dysenteric (ndc) or dysenteric colitis (dc), associated or not with hepatic abscess (ha). one patient presented anal amoeboma (am). the analysis of ip for isolates maintained in polyxenic culture showed non pathogenic ip (i) for strains from carriers and patients with ndc, while the strains isolated from patients presenting dc, ha and am resulted in isolates ii or xix pathogenic ip. this parameter was not able to differentiate strains from carriers from symptomatic patients when these strains were found in axenic or monoxenic culture. all these strains displayed pathogenic ip (ii), demonstrating the inability of this parameter to classifying for virulence since it showed identical ip for strains isolated from carriers or symptomatic patients.
Leishmaniose visceral no estado do Maranh?o, Brasil: a evolu??o de uma epidemia
Costa, Jackson M. L.;Viana, Gra?a Maria C.;Saldanha, Ana Cristina R.;Nascimento, Maria D. S. B.;Alvim, Aymoré C.;Burattini, Marcelo N.;Silva, Antonio R. da;
Cadernos de Saúde Pública , 1995, DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X1995000200016
Abstract: the authors provide a brief report on the historical evolution of visceral leishmaniasis in the state of maranh?o, brazil, evaluating possible factors for growth of the disease in the state and control measures by the brazilian ministry of health to integrate health services finto the maintenance of control programs.
Parasitas de popula??es naturais e artificiais de tucunaré (Cichla spp.)
Araujo, Cleusa Suzana Oliveira de;Barros, Maria Claudene;Gomes, Ana Lucia da Silva;Varella, Angela Maria Bezerra;Viana, Gabriela de Moraes;Silva, Nathalia Pereira da;Fraga, Elmary da Costa;Andrade, Sanny Maria Sampaio;
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária , 2009, DOI: 10.4322/rbpv.01801006
Abstract: the cichlids, economically important fish specie in the region, were collected along the negro river (cichla orinocensis, c. monoculus e c. temensis) and in the marchantaria island (c. monoculus) amazon state and in three reservoirs localized in the piauí state. in order to verify the occurrence of parasites, gills, nostrils and the intestine were removed and observed by stereomicroscope and the mouth by naked eyes. the observed parasites were isolated and conserved in 70% ethanol for posterior identification. from 96 specimens collected in negro river, 51 specimens (52%) were parasitized. in the marchantaria island from 34 specimens collected, 16 (47%) showed the presence of parasites, and from 50 specimens collected in the reservoirs only 2 (4%) were parasitized. in fishes collected in the amazon state, the grill was parasitized by ergailus coatiarus, argulus amazonicus, acusicola tucunarense and the mouth by braga cichlae, whereas the species collected in the piauí state did not show the presence of parasites in the grill, but the occurrence of procamallanus (spirocamallanus) inopinatus an intestinal nematode parasite.
Museologia e patrim?nio nas cidades contemporaneas: uma tese sobre gest?o de cidades sob a ótica da preserva??o da cultura e da memória
Costa, Heloisa Helena Fernandes Gon?alves da;
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1981-81222012000100007
Abstract: essentialy considered a space to live, the contemporary cities are complexes territories where memory and heritage have no effective representative function. the main objective of this paper is to analyze the emergence of the 'cultural health', a new concept supported by the relationship between museology, heritage and citizenship. the research was based on fieldwork experience and on memory studies of adults and elderly people that live in urban areas, where they can observe the symbolic meaning of the monuments and similars objects within the museum cities and the cultural landscapes. the way that museums and monuments are inserted in civil society and their power to produce values and cultural codes make them part of the process to promote identities and citizenship. also, this process can improve the cultural health, the self-esteem and the quality of social interaction. these elements are essential for the building of healthy cities.
Museology and heritage in contemporary cities: a thesis on city management from the perspective of culture and memory preservation
Heloisa Helena Fernandes Gon?alves da Costa
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas , 2012,
Abstract: Essentialy considered a space to live, the contemporary cities are complexes territories where memory and heritage have no effective representative function. The main objective of this paper is to analyze the emergence of the 'cultural health', a new concept supported by the relationship between museology, heritage and citizenship. The research was based on fieldwork experience and on memory studies of adults and elderly people that live in urban areas, where they can observe the symbolic meaning of the monuments and similars objects within the museum cities and the cultural landscapes. The way that museums and monuments are inserted in civil society and their power to produce values and cultural codes make them part of the process to promote identities and citizenship. Also, this process can improve the cultural health, the self-esteem and the quality of social interaction. These elements are essential for the building of healthy cities.
Leitura: um processo cada vez mais complexo
Coscarelli, Carla Viana,Novais, Ana Elisa Costa
Letras de Hoje , 2010,
Abstract: Com base em estudos da teoria da complexidade, apresentamos, neste artigo, uma proposta de revis o do conceito de leitura, buscando compreendê-la como um sistema dinamico, aberto, auto-organizado e n o linear. Discutimos também a necessidade de consideramos a integra o de várias linguagens (verbais e n o verbais) na leitura de textos digitais, bem como de considerarmos as diferen as que se apresentam neles no que diz respeito aos elementos gráficos explorados nesses ambientes e nos mecanismos de navega o dele que se diferenciam daqueles usados no impresso. Por fim, discutimos os resultados de pesquisas que nos ajudam a perceber a leitura como um sistema dinamico complexo, de processamento de textos multimodais e que envolve também habilidades de navega o.

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